The three clients from USA found our company in SCIIF on June 21, 2024.
Accompanied by sales specialists Emma and Joyce from Mosrac Motor Co., Ltd, they visited Mosrac Motor Co., Ltd. on June 24, at the same time, they are most interested in our frameless motors and is looking forward to potential collaborations. The customer's main products are collaborative robots, which need to use our frameless motors.
Group photo of USA clients & Emma, Joyce in the Mosrac Company
The tour will begin with a general introduction to Mosrac Precision, highlighting the company's development history, values, and production capabilities.
After that, the main part of the whole visit would focus on the products: frameless motors and housed motors (also known as DDR motors or direct drive rotary tables). Emma and Joyce, being well-known in the intricacies of these motors, would skillfully talk to them during the whole business. This would involve showing the various stages of the toque motor, starting from the initial precision machining to the meticulous assembly and test procedures.
The group image of frameless and housed motors
The customer is satisfied with our products and team and shows the drawings of their products to the Mosrac R&D team, and our engineers also provide technical advice to the customer's project.
After finishing the tour, there were further discussions in a client meeting area. Here, they could dig deeper into much more detail, express any particular questions, and explore potential collaborations.
It would be a happy experience for three clients. They will be getting in touch with Emma and Joyce for the upcoming cooperation details.