Mosrac direct drive torque motors
2024-08-20 Visits: Author:Mosrac Application Engineers Source:Mosrac Motor Co Ltd

Whether cars, trucks, trains, or construction equipment, vehicles require split-second, reliable control systems. Frameless direct-drive torque motors excel in these demanding applications through their instant, finely-tuned linear actuation. They actuate electric vehicle motors with rapid acceleration and energy regeneration during braking. 

Autonomous Vehicles

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Torque motors for autonomous vehicles application

Cameras, LiDAR, radars, and ultrasonics require independent micro adjustments at millisecond speeds to make out surroundings. Direct drives smoothly coordinate corrective steering, acceleration, and braking inputs down to fractions of a degree or MPH to avoid obstacles. Their dynamic response will be critical as AVs navigate increasingly complex urban environments.

Active Suspension Systems

Through an array of accelerometers, gyroscopes, and GPS, active suspension direct drive motors adjust each wheel's position individually multiple times per second to optimize traction and stability. This counteracts bumps, potholes, braking loads, and cornering forces through constantly varying damping for the smoothest ride quality. 

Electric Vehicle Charging

Direct drives balance cell temperatures within high-voltage battery packs and distribute the charging load perfectly. This maximizes energy capacity while protecting against thermal escape. The precise control these motors provide ensures a secure and reliable connection, preventing accidental disconnections during the charging process.

Discover the full range of our torque motors and applications in vehicles. Download our brochure for comprehensive insights. 

As these applications grow more complex, so does the need for a reliable partner. Mosrac has decades of experience solving diverse engineering challenges. To learn how our frameless torque motors could augment your innovation, visit our website or connect with our application experts

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