Mosrac direct drive torque motors
2024-05-25 Visits: Author:Mosrac Application Engineers Source:Mosrac Motor Co Ltd

Frameless motor Applied in photoelectric turntable motor Applied in photoelectric turntable

Mosrac frameless torque motor can be used for photoelectric turntables to accurately control the angle adjustment of the probe or drive its rotation. The photoelectric turntable is composed of multiple modules of high-definition camera, hot and cold imager, and laser, which can observe targets more than ten kilometers away, or even farther distances.

As these applications grow more complex, so does the need for a reliable partner. Mosrac has decades of experience solving diverse engineering challenges. To learn how our frameless torque motors could augment your innovation, visit our website or connect with our application experts

Available torque motor & encoder solutions

We offer standard or customized industry-matched frameless, DD motors, and magnetic encoders for your needs.

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